Thank you for your kind offer to list your home as a golf rental with Rent Like A Champion!

Properties must meet the following requirements before a listing can be verified and made available for a golf event on the RLAC platform. If we can assist you in completing any of these steps, please let us know!

Accurate portrayal of the property

  • Number of bedrooms and the sizes and types of the bed (or sleeping accommodation) in each room
    • It is important that the type of bed be noted accurately. For example, if the bed is a full-size pullout sofa, it should be noted as such. It should not be noted as a full-size bed.
  • If the bedroom is currently not set up with a sleeping space, the function of the room should be noted (office, workout room, etc.)
  • Number of bathrooms, indicating any full and half baths, as well as which are en-suite, shared or “jack-and-jill” bathrooms, or hall bathrooms
  • List of amenities the home will offer at the time of rental
  • Short, eye-catching property tagline
  • Detailed, narrative description of the best features of the home


  • Price added for the default dates of the tournament – please do not adjust these dates, as most renters we work with will require a stay for the entire event
    • We may decline a listing based on pricing that we feel is exorbitant for the specific area and event


  • Clear photos of the property as it will appear to renters when they walk in the front door at check-in
    • Please note we do not accept photos of homes from previous real estate listings, screenshots from a phone or computer, photos with “black bars” at the top or bottom, photos of an area undergoing renovations, or photos with people in them.
  • A minimum of 5 photos showcasing the following areas, at a minimum
    • Exterior shot of the front of the home
    • Pictures of the home’s common areas, which must include the kitchen and living room/family room
    • If the property has 3 or fewer bedrooms, we will require a photo of each bedroom (yes, kids’ rooms too!). If the property has 4 or more bedrooms, we will require a photo of the majority of the bedrooms, and the primary bedroom must be one of these.
    • A photo of the bathrooms in the home; the primary bathroom must be included
    • Exterior shots of any outdoor recreation or entertaining areas

Exceptions to these requirements are made at the sole discretion of Rent Like A Champion on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to the Rent Like A Champion team by email at or by phone at 223-244-4263